PROFESSOR & Dean ( Alumni and Industrial relations)
rkmishra@sliet.ac.in, ravkmishra@yahoo.co.in
Research Area:
Astrophysics & Space Science Mathematical Modelling to solve real life problems by using Differential Equations.
Current area of Interest : Cosmology, Mathematical Modelling, Vedic Mathematics.
Vidwan-ID : 153530 LINK: https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/myprofileGoogle Scholor:https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=7NONTpgAAAAJ&hl=en
30 Years -Teaching, Research & Administration ( Higher education)
Professor /Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor/Sr. Lecturer Lecturer ( In SLIET Longowal )
Registrar-NIT Py
Also Working as :
Dean ( Alumni & Industrial Relations) Chairman -Industry Institute Interaction Committee (IIIC) Chairperson ( NATS-2.0- implementation committee-SLIET) Member of BOS-IKGPTU-Jalandhar, Central university of Punjab, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University Amarkantak-M.P Subject matter Experts : In Faculty selection boards of Central Universities, NITs and state universities. NAAC-Assessor Editor/Reviewers of International Journals in area of Astrophysics and Space Science
Worked as:
Senate Member-NIT-Puducherry BOS-GGS World University Fatehgarh Sahib Punjab Resourse person of NPDE-During Modelling week conducted in diffrent reputed institutions in country. Project Investigator/Coordinator ( EDP) Deputy-Registrar-SLIET Chief-Vigilance officer (CVO-SLIET) Assistant Coordinator-PTU Examinations SLIET Head, Department of Training & Placement (2016-2021) SLIET, Longowal. Central Public Information officer-CPIO (2010-2012) Chairman Central TTC (2009-2011) Founder Chairman HBVS-SLIET Member of Committee to Deaffiliate SLIET from PTU & to establish academic autonomy during 2006-2009 after getting deemed University Founder Chairman Discipline committee (2000-2003) Faculty in charge ( Store and Purchase) Member-Hostel System inspection committee -SLIET ( For-12 Hostels)
In progress
In Progress
Life member of International academy of physical sciences India. Life member of Indian Society for Technical Education. Life member of Tensor Society of India. Life member of National Academy of Mathematics India. Life member of Punjab Academy of Sciences.
Awarded Associate Fellow of International Academy of Physical Sciences (2022) Received SSPS Award of Excellence-2022, for outstanding and extraordinary achievements as academician and contribution in Training and Placements. Received best researcher award by Educationexpo New Delhi on 06, November 2022 Received 100 Top Training and Development Minds Award by World HRD Congress on Feb 15, 2018 at Hotel Taj Land Ends, Mumbai hosted by Times group(2018) Awarded the Young Scientist Award for the year 1997 by International Academy of Physical Sciences (1997) Received the National scholarship under National scheme for securing high Percentage of marks in school examinations.(1985-1986)
Linkage with industry
As Dean of Alumni and Industrial Relations, I played a key role in signing Five Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) with our entrepreneurs to enhance the training and placement activities of the institute. Participated in the Industry Education Summit FICCI, held at NITTTR, Chandigarh. Additionally, Participated in the Smart City Chandigarh Conclave with concerned industries and project holders, conducted by FICCI Chandigarh at Hotel Taj, Chandigarh. Participated in an exclusive Infosys summit, InfyTQ, conducted by Infosys in Mysore from February 15-16, 2019. Invited by Capgemini in Pune, where I received an award on behalf of the institute during their annual ceremony, “TECH CHALLENGE 2019.” Visited over 100 industries over a span of 5 years to strengthen SLIET’s relations with the industrial sector.
Other Academic Involvement with Reputed Institutions:
Served as an External Expert on the Academic Audit team for the Department of Mathematics at NIT Jalandhar. Served as a Senate Nominee Subject Expert on the selection committee for the recruitment of faculty in the Department of Mathematics at NIT Nagaland, NIT Agartala, NIT Jalandhar, NIT Puducherry, NIT Delhi, and DTE, Government of Punjab. Served as an Expert on the selection committee for the Central University of Punjab, Central University of Chhattisgarh, Kurukshetra University Haryana, D.D.U. Gorakhpur University Uttar Pradesh, Cotton University Guwahati, Punjab Government (TE), IKGPTU Jalandhar Punjab, and several private universities. Served as an expert on the selection committee for the recruitment of Registrar, Assistant Registrar, and staff members at NIT Nagaland and NIT Puducherry, IIIT Una
Conducted the following conferences, workshops, recruiter connect events, industry-institute interactions, and academia and industry summits at SLIET:
Conducted National Science Day 2024 (as Chairman). Conducted Entrepreneur-HR Meet 2024 as Chairman on May 16, 2024, where 7 entrepreneurs and 8 HR and corporate professionals participated. One-day workshop on World Mathematical Year 2000 Instructional Workshop on Computational Mathematics (IWCM-06) Instructional Workshop on Computational Mathematics (IWCM-08) National Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematical Applications (RTMA-11) Twenty-sixth International Conference of the International Academy of Physical Sciences on Advances in Relativistic Astrophysics (ARAC-2020) Industry-Institute Interaction-2016 Recruiters Connect-2017, 2018 One-day Workshop on Industry 4.0 (2017) Job fairs for UG and PG students in 2017, 2018.2019 Introduced for the first time in SLIET and organized Udaan-2017, 2018, 2019 (online) Conducted Online Human Resource and Academia Conclave on ” Future of workplace Talent & Jobs (eHRAC- July-2020) -About 20 industry professionals participated Introduced for the first time in SLIET: “Share the Baton (Cracking the Corporate)” (June 2020) Conducted workshop for UG/PG Students: “Skilling Our Students to be Industry 4.0 Ready” (April 2020) Conducted Campus to Corporate (C2C) – August 2019 Conducted One-day Workshop on Vedic Ganit – May 2022 Conducted Workshop on National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 – September 2020 Participated in NEP Workshop at National Level – AICTE, New Delhi – ALAP 2023 Chaired about 100 Workshops, Seminars, Conferences on Various topics orgnized by Different reputed institutions at National and International
Post Ph.D. Experience: 25 years
Total Number of Publications: 115 Past 10 Years (SCI-SCOPUS -UGC-WOS-) Publications: 50 In International Conferences: 20 In National Conferences: 15 Average Impact Factor of SCI/SCOPUS/WOS Publications (TR): 1.77 Details of SCOPUS/SCI Publications over the Last 10 Years: A-Selected Research Journals and Their Impact Factors: (Based on Thomson ISI, Journal Citation Reports) Here are the chosen research journals and their impact factors: European Physical Journal Plus: 3.76 (4 publications) General Relativity and Gravitation: 2.84 (1 publication) Indian Journal of Physics: 1.947 (3 publications) Astrophysics & Space Science: 1.904 (15 publications) Romanian Journal of Physics: 1.662 (6 publications) Modern Physics Letters A: 1.594 (5 publication) International Journal of Theoretical Physics: 1.4 (6 publications) Journal of Physics (Conference Series): 0.202 (2 publications) Bulgarian Journal of Physics (UGC Care): (4 publications) International journal of geometric methods and modern physics : 2.1 ( 2 Publications) Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics: 1 publication
1-Ravi Kant Mishra, Rahul Sharma, Exploring Dynamics & Gravity cosmological parameters, Romanian Journal of Physics (To appear in 2025)
2-Ravi Kant Mishra, Rahul Sharma, Comparative study of linear and nonlinear gravity models in Bianchi type -III space time. Astrophysics and Space Science 370, 2 (2025)
3-Ravi Kant Mishra, Navya Jain, Stability analysis in cosmological models using perturbative methods in theory Romanian Journal of Physics (2024), 69(113).
4-Ravi Kant Mishra, Rahul Sharma, Beyond General Relativity: Comparative Analysis Between Gravity Theories With Non-linear DP. The European Physical Journal Plus ( To appear-2024)
5-R.K. Mishra and Navya Jain, Dynamics of the Universe with Variable Parameters that Govern the Gravitational Interactions, Published on Nov.06,2023 at Research Square https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-3545179/v1
6-R.K. Mishra and Navya Jain, Dynamics of the Universe with Variable Parameters that Govern the Gravitational Interactions, General Relativity and Gravitation (To appear-2024). Indexing: SCI + Scopus +WoS+ UGC-C
7–Ravi Kant Mishra, Rahul Sharma, Cosmic acceleration & deceleration with F( R,T) gravity, Modern Physics Letters A, April-2024 ( online) https://doi.org/10.1142/S0217732324500445 . Indexing: SCI + Scopus +WoS+UGC
8-Ravi Kant Mishra, Rahul Sharma, Study in Bianchi-IX space time with linear dependencies on R & T with gravity, Published on Nov.07,2023 at Research Square https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-3545184/v1 9-R.K. Mishra and Navya Jain, Cosmic dynamics beyond Einstein theory: Mathematical analysis with gravity, International Journal of Theoretical Physics (To appear in 2024)-ISSN: 0020-7748(P)-Indexing: SCI + Scopus +WoS+UGC-C 10-R.K. Mishra and Rahul Sharma, Certain Investigations on Bianchi-III Cosmological Model with FLVDP in f(R, T) Theory, Bulgarian Journal of Physics vol. XX (20XX) 1–24 , ISSN: 1310-0157 (p), 1314-2666 (e), Indexing: UGC Care 11-R.K. Mishra and Navya Jain, Analyzing the FQDP in the Framework of f(R,T) Modified Gravity, Romanian Journal of Physics (To appear in 2024) ISSN: 0035-4090 (p), 1221-146X (e) Indexing: SCI+ Scopus+WoS+UGC-C 12-R.K. Mishra and Rahul Sharma, Certain Investigations on Bianchi-III Cosmological Model with FLVDP in f(R, T) Theory, Bulgarian Journal of Physics (To appear in 2024) ISSN: 1310-0157 (p), 1314-2666 (e) Indexing: UGC Care
13-R.K. Mishra, Heena Dua, and Navya Jain, Cosmological model with variable parameters. Journal of Physics: Conference series (2023) 012056-ISSN: 1742-6588 (p), 1742-6596 (e) Indexing: Scopus, DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/2663/1/012056 14-R.K. Mishra, Avtar Chand, and Rahul Sharma, Cosmological model in f(R,T) theory with time-varying FLVDP, Journal of Physics: Conference series (2023) 012055, ISSN: 1742-6588 (p), 1742-6596 (e)-Indexing: Scopus, DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/2663/1/012055
15-Mishra RK, Dua Heena. Certain Investigations on Bulk Viscous String Models of the universe with BVDP, Bulgarian Journal of Physics, vol. 50 (2023) 95–114 16-Mishra RK, Dua Heena, Investigation on Behavior of Deceleration Parameter with LRS Bianchi Type-I Cosmological Mode, Indian Journal of Physics (2022)
17-Mishra RK, Dua Heena, Evolution of FRLW Universe in Brans-Dicke Gravity Astrophysics and Space Science 366, 6 (2021)
18-Mishra RK, Dua Heena, Bianchi type-I cosmological model in Sáez-Ballester theory with variable deceleration parameter Astrophysics and Space Science 366, 47 (2021)
19-Mishra RK, Dua Heena, Dynamics of Bianchi type-1 universe in Brans-Dicke gravity, AIP Conference Proceedings 2352, 030010 (2021).
20-Mishra RK, Dua Heena, Phase Transition of Cosmological Model with Statistical Techniques Astrophysics and Space Science 365, 131 (2020)
21-Mishra RK, Chand A., Cosmological models in Sáez-Ballester theory with bilinear, varying deceleration parameter. Journal of Astrophysics Space Science, 365. April, 2020, 76.
22-Mishra R.K, Dua H.Bulk viscous string cosmological models in Saez-Ballester theory of gravity. Journal of Astrophysics and Space Science, 364, Nov, 2019, 195.
23-R.K. Mishra, Heena Dua and Avtar Chand,Bianchi-III cosmological models with BVDP in modified f(R; T) theory, Astrophysics and Space Science (2018), 363 (112)
24-R.K. Mishra and Avtar Chand,A comparative study of cosmological models in alternative theory of gravity with LVDP and BVDP, Astrophysics and Space Science (2017), 362 (140).
25-R.K. Mishra and Avtar Chand, Cosmological models in alternative theory of gravity with bilinear deceleration parameter, Astrophysics and Space Science (2016), 361 (259).
26-R.K. Mishra & Heena Dua, Cosmological model with BVDP in f(R; T) gravity,Journal of Int. Academy of Physical Sciences (2017),21 (321-334).
27-R.K. Mishra and Avtar Chand, String cosmological models in alternative theory of gravity, Journal of International Academy of Physical Sciences (2017), 21 (305-320).
28-R.K. Mishra and Avtar Chand, Viscous string cosmological models in alternative theory of gravity, Physics & Astronomy Int. Jr. (Dec. 2017), 1.
29-R.K. Mishra and Avtar Chand, Dark Energy Models in F(R,T) theory with variable deceleration parameter, Int. Jr. of Theoretical Physics (2016), 55.
30-R.K. Mishra and Avtar Chand,Bianchi-III Cosmological model in Saez-Ballester theory of gravity with BVDP, Journal of International Academy of Physical Sciences (2016), 20 (257–271).
31-R.K. Mishra and Heena Dua,Cosmological models with bilinear deceleration parameter, Jr. of Int. Academy of Physical Sciences (2016), 20 (241–255).
32-R.K. Mishra and Avtar Chand, FRW cosmological models in Brans-Dicke theory of gravity with variable q and dynamical-term, Astrophysics and Space Science (2016), 361 (81).
33-Avtar Chand, R.K. Mishra, Phase transition in cosmology with magnetic field, AIP Conference Proceedings (2015) 1675 (030104), UGC listed journal (48438).
34-R.K. Mishra & Chanchal Chawla. Anisotropic Viscous Fluid Cosmological Models from Deceleration to Acceleration in String Cosmology International Journal of Theoretical physics (IJTP) Vol.52, Number 4, 2013.
35-Chawla, Chanchal, Mishra R.K, Bianchi Type-I Viscous Fluid Cosmological Models with Variable Deceleration Parameter Romanian Journal of Physics Vol. 58, Number 1-2, 2013.
36-Chanchal Chawla, Mishra R.K, Pradhan Anirudh, Anisotropic Bianchi Type-I Viscous Fluid Cosmological Models in String cosmology with Variable Deceleration Parameter, Romanian Journal of Physics Volume 58, Number 7-8, 2013.
37-Chanchal Chawla, Mishra R.K, Pradhan Anirudh, A new class of accelerating cosmological models with variable G & Lambda in Saez and Ballester theory of gravitation Romanian Journal of Physics.
38-Arunesh Kumar Pandey, R. K. Mishra, Anirudh Pradha type-I transit cosmological models with time dependent gravitational and cosmological constants in the Indian Journal of Physics, Volume 88,Number 7, 88:757-765 .
39-R.K. Mishra & Chanchal Chawla Viscous Fluid Cosmological Models from Deceleration to Acceleration in String Cosmology, International Journal of Theoretical physics (IJTP) Vol.52, Number 4, 2013 .
40-R.K. Mishra & Chanchal Chawla Type-I Viscous Fluid Cosmological Models with Variable Deceleration Parameter, Romanian Journal of Physics Vol. 58, Number 1-2, 2013.
41-R.K. Mishra & Chanchal Chawla, Anirudh Pradhan, String cosmological models from early deceleration to current acceleration phase with varying G and , Eur. Phys. J. Plus 127: 137 .
List of Ph.D. Students (Degree awarded only) : 05 +
1- Dr. Amritbir Singh. Prof. (Maths)B.B.S.B E.C. Fatehgarhsahib- (Degree Awarded-2011)
2- Dr. Arunesh Kumar Pandey, AP (Mathematics) SDU-Lucknow (Degree Awarded-2015)
3- Dr. Chanchal Chawla, AP (Mathematics-DED) Punjabi University, Patiala,(CSIR-JRF-SRF)(Degree Awarded-2015)
4- Dr. Avtar Chand.(CSIR-NET)(Degree Awarded-2019)
5-Dr. Heena Dua ( GATE-UGC-NET-LS-)(Degree Awarded-2023)
List of Ph.D. Students (Pursuing for Ph.D. Degree ) : CSIR-LS Qualified
Mr.Rahul Sharma (GATE-Qualified-2022) Ms. Navya Jain (GATE-Qualified-2023)
Ms Priya Awasthi
Mr Niraj Kmuar
No of M.Phill/ M.Sc. (Project).: 08 +04 = 12
Project Details:
Entrepreneurship Development Programme (DBT Skill Vigyan Programme) under Ministry of Science & Technology (DBT) Government of India.
Amount–Rs. 94.50 Lacs.
Funding Agency: Ministry of science and technology, Department of Biotechnology
Present Status: 13-EDP Fellows have been trained out of Which 07 have registered as an Entrepreneurs.
Worked as Registrar NIT-Puducherry
Working as dean ( Alumni & Industrial relations)
Working as Chairpersons ( NATS-Implementation Committee-SLIET)
Worked as Head, Department of Training & Placement SLIET
Worked as Deputy Registrar, SLIET Longowal
Worked as examination co-ordinator, PTU-SLIET Longowal
Worked as Chairman Institute Discipline Committee, SLIET Longowal
Worked as Chairman Central Time Table committee SLIET, Longowal
Worked as Faculty-In charge Store & Purchase, SLIET Longowal
Worked as Faculty Advisor-Techfest SLIET Longowal.
Worked as First Chief Vigilance Officer of SLIET Longowal.
Worked as Public Information Officer of SLIET Longowal.
Worked as member of Hostel system inspection committee.
Worked as Co-Coordinator of the committee constituted for National Education Policy -2020.
Also worked in many more capacity as and when assigned by SLIET authorities for life of Institution.
Total Number of Invited Talk delivered :
International : 07
National : 80
Institutions/Universities : SLIET, National Institute of Technology Jalandhar (NITJ), NIT Puducherry, NIT Agartala, NIT Nagaland, NIT-Raipur, NIT-Uttarakhand, Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar, Academic staff College Punjabi University Patiala, VIET-Rajpura, Punjab, Central University of Punjab, GGSW University Fatehgarh Sahib, DDU University Gorakhpur, GKCIET Malda, SVIET, Lucknow University (But not limited to……)
A Journey of Academic Excellence: Subject Expert and Ph.D. Thesis Evaluator
I have had the privilege of serving as a Subject Expert nominated by the National Research Foundation in South Africa. This role involves shaping research agendas and guiding academic exploration, reflecting my expertise and dedication to the field. Additionally, I have played a crucial role as a Ph.D. Thesis Evaluator for renowned institutions including · Central University of Himachal Pradesh, · Central University of Punjab · G.N.D.U. Amritsar, · TIET Thapar Punjab, · Chaudhary Charan singh university, Meerut, · IKGPTU Jalandhar, Punjabi University Punjab, · KUVEMPU University Shimoga, · Guru Kashi University Punja
Maharaja Agrasen University Baddi, Himanchal Pradesh GGS World University, Fatehgarh Sahib Punjab. Punjabi University Patiala· M.S.University Varodra, Gujrat.
This role extends beyond assessment, validating years of rigorous research and contributing to nurturing the next generation of scholars.
Each institution has enriched my understanding of diverse research domains. This journey highlights my commitment to academic excellence, guiding research, and fostering a culture of learning.
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