Dr. V. Mishra

Basic Details


Dr. V. Mishra






Phone (O)




Educational Details

Educational Qualification

B.Sc. (Physics, Chemistry, Maths) (1989)  M.Sc. (Maths) (1991)  Ph.D. (Maths) (1998)

Fellow (post-doc) (1999-2000)






(i) Former Head (Department of Mathematics), SLIET (Deemed University) (more than three years)

(ii) Former Faculty In-charge (SGA), SLIET (Deemed University) (two years)

(iii) Other Assignments Undertaken at SLIET (Deemed University): Departmental Examination Coordinator (two years); Departmental Placement Coordinator (two years); Departmental IQAC Coordinator (two years)




(i) PG (M.Sc. Maths) teaching: Wavelet Analysis; Classical Mechanics; Fluid Dynamics; Theoretical Seismology

(ii) UG (B.E.) teaching: Applied & Engineering Mathematics; Numerical Analysis; Statistics & Operations Research

(iii) PhD Course Work: Wavelet Analysis; Matrix Analysis; Advanced Numerical Analysis




Five months of industrial exposure at Chandigarh (1994), Dehradun (2014) and Patiala (2015)




A. Invited Lectures Arranged:

(i) Prof. Oscar Joao Abdounur, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2011 [(i) “Relations between Mathematics and Music in Scientific Dissemination Context”, (ii) “Arithmetization of Mathematical Ratios in the Middle Ages and Renaissance: A Historic Didactical Approach”];

(ii) Prof. Bhudev Sharma (Retd), Clark Atlanta University, USA, 2015 [“Information Theory and its Applications” held under TEQIP-II];

(iii) Prof. Mamta Rani, Central University of Rajasthan, 2023 [“Fractals and Chaos”]


B. Short-Term Course/Workshop/Day Programs Organized:

(i) National Workshop on Computational Aspects of Mathematics (2006) as Chairman (Report: University News, Vol. 44, No. 27, July 03-09, 2006)

(ii) National Seminar on Statistics and Its Applications (2007) as Chairman (Report: University News, Vol. 45, No. 13, March 26-April 01, 2007)

(iii) National Science Week 2014 (Quiz, Poster Presentation & Seminar) as Convener

(iv) Earth Day 2022 (Poster Competition & Seminar) as Convener. Video of Poster making competition at https://youtu.be/TXZsOYyqbSw

(v) Earth Day 2023 (Quiz, Poster Competition & Seminar) as Convener (Report: Anshumat-SLIET Newsletter, Volume 6, No. 2, July 2023, Page 5)

(vi) Earth Day 2024 (Quiz, Poster Competition, Oral/PPT presentation & Seminar) as Convener (Report: http://www.dailysuraj.com, May 01, 2024, page 2)



1. Analytical Geometry, 2D and 3D, Pearson Education, Chennai, 2011

2. A Contemporary Mechanics, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, 2023

Book Authored

Book authored



(i) Theory of Transforms with Applications, Ane Books Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2017, Pages 370 (Hardcover) (Price Rs 1995/-)     ISBN 978-93-8546-260-3 (sole author)


Chapters: i) Fourier Series,ii) Continuous Fourier Transform, iii) Discrete and Fast Fourier Transforms, iv) Laplace Transform, v) Numerical Inverse Laplace Transform,vi) Mellin Transform, vii) Hankel Transform, viii) Legendre Transform and ix) Z Transform
Appendix   Bibliography   Index

One Chapter of this book is referenced as a course of study in M.Sc. (Maths) Syllabus of Classical Mechanics at SLIET (Deemed University)




(i) Fibonacci Sequence: History and Modern Applications, in: History and Development of Mathematics in India (Proceedings of CHDM Kanchipuram, 2018), National Mission for Manuscript and DK Printword (P) Ltd, New Delhi, 2022 , pp. 155-180.   ISBN 978-93-80829-70-8  [Citations: 02] https://www.namami.gov.in/books/samikshika

(ii) Magic Squares in Indian Mathematics: Constructions and Properties, in: Understanding Values and Ethics in Shrinking World (Proceedings of VICUVESW, Central University of Rajasthan, 2022), Bloomsbury Publishing, UK, 2022, pp. 12-21.  ISBN 978-93-54358-94  [Citations: 01] https://www.bloomsbury.com/in/search/?q=Mamta%20Rani

Professional Memebership

Professional Membership

1. Indian Mathematical Society (Life Member, M64)
2. Calcutta Mathematical Society (Life Member, L42)
3. Indian Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (Life Member, LM24)
4. Indian Society for History of Mathematics (Life Member, L65)
5. American Mathematical Society (1997-98)
6. Vijnana Parishad of India (Life Member, L226)



I. INVITED LECTURES/TALKS DELIVERED [50] during international, national and regional conferences, faculty development programs and guest lectures [topics: Ancient Indian Mathematics; Wavelet Analysis; Numerical Laplace Transform; Number Theory & Cryptography]:


International Conferences [12]
1.    Indian National Science Academy/Ramjas College, New Delhi:
First International Conference of the New Millennium on History of Mathematical Sciences, Dec. 20-23, 2001. [Title: Statistical Analysis of Doctoral Dissertations on Indian Mathematics]

2.    National University of Singapore (Singapore): 
4th Asian Mathematical Conference, July 20-23, 2005. [Title: Wavelet Solutions of Certain Ill-posed Problems]

3.    Graphic Era University, Dehradun (Uttarakhand):
International Satellite Seminar on Role of Mathematics in Science and Engineering, May 13-14, 2011. [Title: Wavelet and Its Numerical Applications]

4.    Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu (Nepal):
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (USA)–Tribhuvan University (Nepal) Joint Conference on Nonlinear Systems, June 18-22, 2013.  [Title: Haar Wavelet Approach for Solving Nonlinear Differential and Integral Equations]

5.    Graphic Era University, Dehradun (Uttarakhand):
International Conference on Mathematical Techniques in Engineering Applications, Jointly Organized by Graphic Era University and Graphic Era Hill University, October 24-25, 2013.  [Title: Numerical Inversion of Laplace Transforms using Infinite Series, Quadrature Method and Fast Fourier Transform]

6.    Sri Sai College of Engineering & Technology, Pathankot (Punjab):
1st International Conference of Indian Society of Information Theory and Applications on Mathematical Modelling, Optimization and Information Technology& Symposium on History of Mathematics, January 16-19, 2015. [Title: Contribution of Bhaskaracarya to Indeterminate Analysis, Compound Proportions and Progressive Series]
7.    Bundelkhand University, Jhansi (Uttar Pradesh):
Second International Conference of Vijñāna Parishad of India, March 09-11, 2018.  [Title: Brahmagupta – Bhaskara Equation: Theory, Algorithm and Cryptographic Applications]
8.    Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi:
International Conference on Emerging Trends in Vedic Mathematics & Applications in Science, Technology, Social Sciences Research, August 16-17, 2020. [Title: Indian Perception of Linear and Quadratic Equations, Extensions and Applications] [Online]
9.    Vikram University, Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh): 
7th international conference of International Academy of Physical Sciences on Mathematics and Science in Ancient India, October 26-28, 2021. [Title: Arithmetic Progression In India: Interpretations, Development and Applications] [Online]

10. Central University of Rajasthan, Ajmer (Rajasthan): 
Virtual International Conference on Understanding Ethics and Values in Shrinking World, March 25, 2022.  [Title: Philosophical Context of Ethics in Indian Knowledge System, Modern Teaching-Learning, Academic Research and Publishing with Scientific Blending[Online]

11. Sri Dev Suman Uttarakhand University, Rishikesh Campus (Uttarakhand):
International Conference (in the Memory of Late Prof. S.L. Singh) on Nonlinear Analysis and Applications & Symposium on Ancient Indian Mathematics, May 10-12, 2024. [Title: Ancient Indian Mathematics for Interdisciplinary Research]
12. Sri Dev Suman Uttarakhand University, Rishikesh Campus (Uttarakhand):
International Conference on Connecting Ancient Indian Wisdom in Modern Contexts, June 11-12, 2024. [Title: Ancient Indian Mathematics in Modern Context] [Online]

National Conferences [19]
13. Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Hardwar (Uttarakhand):
National Symposium on Vedic Geometry and Its Relevance to Science and Technology, August 31, 1995.   [Title: Theorem of Square on the Diagonal in Vedic Geometry and its Application to find Number of Right Angles in the Mahavedi Structure]

14. Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (Uttar Pradesh):
61th Annual Conference of Indian Mathematical Society, December 27-30, 1995. [Title: A Note on First Degree Indeterminate Analysis in Ancient India and Virasena Application of it]

15. DAV PG College, Orai (Uttar Pradesh):
Silver Juvilee Conference of Vijnana Parishad of India, March 10-11, 1996. [Title: Height and Distance Problems in Ancient Indian Mathematics]

16. Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Hardwar (Uttarakhand):
64th Annual Conference of Indian Mathematical Society December 19-22, 1998.   [Title: Indian Mathematics: A Brief Historic Evolution…. To Methods]

17. Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Hardwar (Uttarakhand):
64th Annual Conference of Indian Mathematical Society December 19-22, 1998.   [Title: Did Vedic Savants Know Irrational Numbers?]

18. Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune (Maharashtra): Workshop to Commemorate 1500th Year of Aryabhatiya, October 7-9, 1999.  [Title: Similarity of Plane Figures: A Reflection in Indian Geometry]

19. Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Hardwar (Uttarakhand):
National Seminar on History of Mathematical Science and Applicable Mathematics, March 7-9, 2003.  [Title: Similarity of Plane Figures and Geometric & Group Theoretic Study of Cyclic Quadrilateral of First Kind]

20. Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur (Chhattisgarh):
National Conference on Recent Trends in Analysis with Emphasis on History of Mathematics, December 4-6, 2003.  [Title: Fourier Series and Transforms of Fourier and Wavelet]
21. DAV (PG) College, Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh):
15th Annual Conference of Vijñāna Parishad of India and National Seminar on New Thrust Area in Mathematical Science and Technology, November 4-6, 2011. [Title: Wavelet Solutions of Linear and Nonlinear Differential Equations]

22. National Centre for Mathematics (a Joint Centre of TIFR and IIT Bombay, Mumbai (Maharashtra):
ATM Conference on Development of Mathematics in India, February 14-15, 2013. [Title: Generalizing the Method of Finding Surds]

23. Govt. Autonomous Digvijay (PG) College, Rajnandgoan (Chattisgarh):
17th Annual Conference of Vijñāna Parishad of India and National Seminar on Mathematics through Ages, February 20-21, 2014.  [Title: Haar Wavelet Algorithms for Solving Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations]

24. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai (Maharashtra):
Conference on History and Development of Mathematics, November 14-16, 2015.  [Title: Āryabhaṭa and Chinese Remainder Theorems: Generalizations, Comparison and Modern Applications]

25. HNB Garhwal University, Pauri Campus (Uttarakhand):
19th Annual Conference of Vijñāna Parishad of India on Recent Advances in Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, November 10-12, 2016. [Title: Numerical Laplace inversion and Applications]

26. National Institute of Technology Manipur, Imphal (Manipur):
Conference on History and Development of Mathematics, November 18-20, 2016. [Title: Magic Squares: Theory and Applications]

27. Sikkim University, Gangtok (Sikkim):
National Conference on Indian Science: History and Historiography, August 1-3, 2018.  [Title: Mathematical Contribution of India till Pre-modern Period and its Modern Consequence]

28. Sri Chandarsekrendara Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya (Deemed University), Kanchipuram (Tamil Nadu):
National Conference on History and Development of Mathematics, November 27-29, 2018.  [Title: Fibonacci Sequence: History and Modern Applications]

29. Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Hardwar (Uttarakhand):
One Day Online Seminar on Contribution of Srinivasa Ramanujan in the Field of Mathematics (An Event for Celebrating National Mathematics Day on the Occasion of 133rd Birth Anniversary of Srinivasa Ramanujan), December 22. 2020. [Title: Srinivasa Ramanujan-The Genius: Life and Mathematical Contributions] [Online]

30. DAV (PG) College, Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh):
Dr. Nagendra Swarup Memorial National Webinar on Relevance of Vedic Mathematics in Modern Science and Technology, February 22, 2022 [Title: Indian Mathematics in Present Days Teaching] [Online]

31. Govt Geetanjali Girls College (Autonomous), Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh):      
25th Annual Conference of Vijñāna Parishad of India, March 1-2, 2024.  [Title: Methods of Numerical Laplace Transform Inversion and the Solutions of Differential Equations using Haar Wavelet] [Online]


Regional (institutional) Conferences [07]
32. Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla (Himachal Pradesh):
Weekly Seminar, August 31, 2000.  [Title: Geometry Relating to Circles and Spheres]

33. Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology (Deemed University), Longowal (Punjab):
One Day Seminar on ‘National Education Day’, November 13, 2013.  [Title: Mathematics Education in India from Pre-historic Period to Colonial Era: In World Perspective]

34. Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology (Deemed University), Longowal (Punjab):
Seminar on National Mathematics Day, February 7, 2019.  [Title: Mathematical Delights and the Legacy of Ramanujan]

35. Govt Kamladevi Rathi Girls (PG) College, Rajnadgoan (Chhatisgarh):
Online Seminar on National Mathematics Day Celebration, December 22, 2020.  [Title: Srinivasa Ramanujan Iyengar-A Number Theorist] [Online]

36. Govt Kamladevi Rathi Girls (PG) College, Rajnadgoan (Chhatisgarh):
One Day State Level Workshop On Ramanujan and Development of Mathematics, December 21, 2021.  [Title: Mathematical Contribution of Ramanujan Especially to Magic Square] [Online]

37. Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology (Deemed University), Longowal (Punjab):
Seminar on Pie Day, March 14, 2023.  [Title: Rediscoving Pie and its Application]

38. Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology (Deemed University), Longowal (Punjab):
Earth Day, April 18 & 21, 2023.  [Title: Earth Systems Science: Geophysics and Seismology]

1.     Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh) (02 Lecture during Refresher Course on Mathematical and Computational Techniques, December 04-16, 2023) [Online]:
·       Basics of Wavelets
·       Wavelet Methods for Solutions of Differential and Integral Equations

2.     Sri Dev Suman Uttarakhand University, Rishikesh Campus (Uttarakhand)    (01 Lecture during Faculty Development Program on Promotion of Indian Knowledge Systems: Preserving Cultural Heritage, March 04-12, 2024) [Online]:
·       Indian Temples and Step Wells Architecture: A Mathematical and Cultural Exposition
1.     Chandigarh University, Mohali (Punjab) (November 07, 2015) (02 Lectures on Classical Mechanics to M.Sc. (Maths) Students):
·       Hamilton-Jacobi Equation and its Applications
·       Legendre Transform and its Applications
2.     National Institute of Technology Uttarakhand, Jaipur Campus (April 01-05, 2019) under TEQIP-III Project between Mentor (SLIET Longowal) and Mentee (NITUK)
Vector Calculus (03 Lectures to B.Tech. First Year Students)
·       Vector Operators: Gradient, Del, Curl and Their Physical Significance
·       Vector Identities
·       Direction Derivative and Line Integral
Numerical Methods (03 Lectures to B.Tech. Second Year Students)
·       Introduction to Algebraic & Transcendental Equations
·       Regula Falsi Method and Convergence
·       Newton-Raphson Method and Convergence


3.     Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra (April 15, 2023) (01 Lecture to M.Sc. (Mathematics) students and Faculty members 
·       Certain Aspects of Indian Geometry: Conceptualization, Later Developments and Applications



International Conferences 

1. Chairman of a Technical Session: International Satellite Seminar on Role of Mathematics in Science and Engineering, Graphic Era University, Dehradun (May 13-14, 2011).

2. Chairman of a Technical Session: International Conference on Mathematical Techniques in Engineering Applications, Jointly Organized by Graphic Era University and Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun (October 24-25, 2013).

3. Chairman of Symposium: 1st International Conference of Indian Society of Information Theory and Applications on Mathematical Modelling, Optimization and Information Technology & Symposium on History of Mathematics, Sri Sai College of Engineering & Technology, Pathankot (January 16-19, 2015).

4. Chairman of Technical Session: 26th International Conference of International Academy of Physical Sciences on Advances in Relativistic Astrophysics & Cosmology, SLIET Longowal (December 18-20, 2020).

5. Chairman of Technical Session 27th International Conference of International Academy of Physical Sciences on Mathematics and Science in Ancient India, Vikram University, Ujjain (October 26-28, 2021).

6. Chairman of Technical Section, International Conference (in the Memory of Late Professor S.L. Singh) on Nonlinear Analysis and Applications & Symposium on Ancient Indian Mathematics, Sri Dev Suman Uttarakhand University, Rishikesh (May 10-12, 2024)

7. Chairman of Technical Session: 4th International Conference on Frontiers in Industrial and Applied Mathematics of Forum of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (FIAM),  SLIET Longowal (December 21-22).
8. Chairman of Technical Session: Virtual International Conference on Understanding Values and Ethics in Shrinking World, Central University of Rajasthan, Ajmer (March 25, 2022)
National Conferences (12)
1. Chairman: Weekly Seminar of Dr. (Ms) Sudha Vasan, Fellow, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla (September 2000).

2. Co-chairman of a Technical Session: Punjab Science Congress, SLIET, Longowal (February 7-9, 2011).

3. Chairman of Technical Session: 15th Annual Conference of Vijnana Parishad of India and National Seminar on A New Thrust Area in Mathematical Science and Technology,  DAV (PG) College, Kanpur (November 4-6, 2011).

4. Chairman of a Technical Session: 17th Annual Conference of Vijnana Parishad of India and National Seminar on Mathematics through Ages, Govt. Digvijay PG College, Rajnandgoan, Chhattisgarh (February 20-21, 2014).

5. Guest of Honour and Chairman of a Technical Session: National Conference on Advances in Engineering & Technology, Management and Sciences, Asra College of Engineering and Technology, Sangrur (April 23, 2016), India (organized in technical collaboration of Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University, Bhatinda).

6. Chairman of technical Session: 19th Annual Conference of Vijnana Parishad of India on Recent Advances in Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, HNB Garhwal University, Pauri Campus (November 10-12, 2016).

7. Chairman of technical session: National Conference on History and Development of Mathematics, Sri Chandarsekrendara Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya, Kanchipuram (November 27-29, 2018).

8. Chairman of a Technical Session: 23rd Punjab Science Congress, SLIET Longowal (February 7-9, 2020).

9. Chairman of Technical Session C: 5th National E-Conference on Advanced Materials and Radiation Physics, SLIET Longowal (November 9-11, 2020).

10. Chairman of Technical Session D: 5th National E-Conference on Advanced Materials and Radiation Physics, SLIET Longowal (November 9-11, 2020).

11. Chairman of Technical Session C: 6th National E-Conference on Advanced Materials and Radiation Physics, SLIET Longowal (May 18-19, 2023).

12. Chairman of Technical Session C: National Conference on Advanced and Emerging Materials for Technological Application, SLIET Longowal (March 15-16, 2024).



American Mathematical Society (Mathematical Reviews/MathSciNet); Springer Nature; Elsevier; IEEE; MDPI



Selected publications with links (SCOPUS/WOS/SCI-Expanded/UGC CARE/ MathSciNet/ZbMATH/ CrossRef/Semantic Scholar indexed journals)  are given below. Citations reported are over 675, H-index 15, and i10-index 17.

Research publications (nearly 60) in the following specialisations:



a) Vedic Mathematics: Ancient, Medieval and Pre-modern Mathematics (Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry and Number Theory) (my own doctoral and post-doctoral research domain)

b) History of Mathematics in Mathematical Education



a) Wavelet Analysis (Wavelet Galerkin and Collocation Techniques) (two doctoral dissertations awarded; three continue)
b) Numerical Laplace Transform (Numerical Laplace Transform Inversion using Orthogonal Polynomials) (one doctoral dissertation awarded)
c) Matrix Algebra, Number Theory & Cryptography (Indeterminate Analysis & Modular Forms; Fibonacci & Narayana Like Sequences; Magic Squares & Cubes; Cryptography) (one doctoral dissertation awarded; one continue)

1.    Haar Wavelet Approximation Solutions for the Generalized Lane Emden Equations Arising in Astrophysics, Computer Physics Communications  (Elsevier) 184 (2013), 2169-2177.     [SCIE, IF-6.3; SJR, 1.729]   [Citations: 85]  http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2013.04.013
2.    Haar Wavelet Solutions of Nonlinear Oscillator Equations, Applied Mathematical Modelling (Elsevier) 38 (2014), 4958-4971. [SCIE, IF-5.0; SJR, 1.876]  [Citations: 37]  http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apm.2014.03.019
3.    Haar Wavelet Based Numerical Investigation of Coupled Viscous Burgers Equation, International Journal of Computer Mathematics  (Taylor & Francis) 92 (2015), 1643-1659.    [SCIE, IF-1.8; SJR, 0.456]    [Citations: 31] https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00207160.2014.957688
4.    Numerical Inversion of Laplace Transform based on Bernstein Operational Matrix, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (Wiley & Sons) 41 (2018), 9231-9243.   [SCIE, IF-2.9; SJR, 0.666] [Citations: 15]
5.    Numerical Inverse Laplace Transform for Solving a Class of Fractional Differential Equations, Symmetry-Basel  (MDPI) 11 (2019), No. 530, 1-20. [SCIE, IF-2.7; SJR, 0.33]   [Citations: 28]
6.    Numerical Inverse Laplace Transform based on Bernoulli Polynomials Operational Matrix for Solving Nonlinear Differential Equations, Results in Physics (Elsevier) 16 (2020), No. 102836, 1-7. [SCIE, IF-5.3; SJR, 0.45] [Citations: 42]   https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rinp.2019.102836
7.    Laplace Transform Inversion using Bernstein Operational Matrix of Integration and its Application to Differential and Integral Equations, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences – Mathematical Sciences (Springer) 130 (2020), No. 60, 1-29. [SCIE, IF-0.3; SJR, 0.31]  [Citations: 07]
8.    Grayscale and Colored Image Encryption Model using a Novel Fused Magic Cube, Nonlinear Dynamics (Springer) 108 (2022), 1773-1796.  [SCIE, IF-5.6; SJR, 1.25]  [Citations: 37]   https://doi.org/10.1007/s11071-022-07276-y
9.    Piecewise Symmetric Magic Cube: Application to Text Cryptography, Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer) 82 (2023), 19369–19391.  [SCIE, IF-3.6; SJR, 0.716]   [Citations: 02]  https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-022-14153-8
10. Image Encryption Model based on Novel Magic Square with Differential Encoding and Chaotic Map, Nonlinear Dynamics (Springer) 111 (2023), 2869-2893.  [SCIE, IF-5.6; SJR, 1.25]  [Citations: 33] 

1.    Wavelet-Galerkin Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations, International Journal of Mathematical Analysis (Hikari) 5 (2011), 407-424.   [SJR, 0.211] [Citations: 43]
2.    Haar Wavelet Approach for Solving Nonlinear Differential and Integral Equations, Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations 22 (2014), 421-430.  [SJR, 0.127]  [Citations: 0]
3.    Newton-Raphson based Modified Laplace Adomian Decomposition Method for Solving Quadratic Ricatti Differential Equations, Matec Web of Conferences 57 (2016), 05001, 1-4.  [SJR, 0.130]  [Citations: 13] [WOS(CPCI)]  https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/20165705001

4.    Solving Linear Fractional Order Differential Equations by Chebyshev Polynomials based Numerical inverse Laplace Transform, Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace 10 (2019), 781-791. [SJR, 0.163] [Citations: 11] http://www.nonlinearstudies.com/index.php/mesa/article/view/2077

5. Moment of Inertia of Generalized Magic Cubes, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 2352, 2021, No. 030002; 1-5.  [SJR, 0.190]  [WOS (CPCI)] [Citations: 0]  https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0052389

6. On the Frobenius and lp Norm of Circulant Matrices with Ducci Sequences and Gaussian Fibonacci Numbers, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 2352, No. 030012, 1-5.  [SJR, 0.190]   [WOS (CPCI)]    [Citations: 02] https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0052565

7.    Bernoulli Wavelet Method for Numerical Solution of Anomalous Infiltration and Diffusion Modeling by Nonlinear Fractional Differential Equations of Variable Order, Results in Applied Mathematics (Elsevier) 10 (2021), No. 100146, pp.1-13.  [SJR, 0.69]   [Citations: 42]   [ESCI, IF-2.0]    https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rinam.2021.100146
8.    Behaviour of Powers of Odd Ordered Special Circulant Magic Squares, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology (Taylor & Francis) 53 (2022), 1044-1062.  [ESCI, IF-0.9; SJR, 0.630] [Citations: 06]   https://doi.org/10.1080/0020739X.2021.1890846

9.    Ways of Constructing Multiplicative Magic Cubes, Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics (FIAM 2021) (Springer) 410 (2023), 79-86.   [SJR, 0.204]  [Citations: 0]      https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-19-7272-0
10.    Narayana Matrix Sequence, Proceedings of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society 25 (2022), 427-434.  [SJR, 0.29]  [Citations: 03] https://jangjeonopen.or.kr/public/upload/1667612272-pjms25-4-7.pdf

11. Solutions of Equations x2−(p2q2±3p)y2=±kt, Examples and Counterexamples (Elsevier) 2 (2022), No. 100043; 1-4. [SJR, 0.1] [ESCI] [Citations: 04]   https://doi.org/10.1016/j.exco.2021.100043 

12. Generalized (k,t)−Narayana Sequence, Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society 30 (2024),121-138. [ESCI, IF-0.33; SJR, 0.231] [Citations: 01]  https://jims-a.org/index.php/jimsa/article/view/1432


1.    Theorem of Square on the Diagonal in Vedic Geometry and its Application, Indian Journal of History of Science (Indian National Science Academy/ Springer) 31 (1996), 157-166.   [Citations: 05] [ESCI, IF-0.1]  [UGC Care]

2.    First Degree Indeterminate Analysis in Ancient India and its Application by Virasena, Indian Journal of History of Science (Indian National Science Academy/Springer) 32 (1997), 127-133.  [Citations: 02] [ESCI, IF-0.1] [UGC Care]  https://insa.nic.in/writereaddata/UpLoadedFiles/IJHS/Vol32_2_3_VMishra.pdf

3.    Wavelet Solutions of Parabolic Equations, Matematika: Malaysian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (University of Technology Malaysia) 26 (2010), 61-69.      [Citations: 02] [ESCI, IF-0.4]  https://matematika.utm.my/index.php/matematika/article/view/550/0
4.    Wavelet Solutions and Stability Analysis of Parabolic Equations, Journal of Indonesian Mathematical Society 16 (2010), 69-87.     [Citations: 0] [ESCI, JCI-0.27]   http://dx.doi.org/10.22342/jims.
5.    Computing Square Root of N: A Modern Generalization of Ancient Technique, Indian Journal of History of Science (Indian National Science Academy/Springer) 46 (2011), 49-61. [Citations: 03] [ESCI, IF-0.1] [UGC Care]

6.    Modified Laplace Adomian Decomposition Method for Solving Nonlinear Volterra Integral and Integro-differential Equations based on Newton-Raphson Formula, European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 11 (2018), 202-214.   [Citations: 30]   [ESCI, IF-0.7]    https://doi.org/10.29020/nybg.ejpam.v11i1.2645
7.    Solutions of Volterra Integral and Integro-Differential Equations using Modified Adomian Decomposition Method, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Informatics (University of Saint Cyril and Metodius/ DeGruyter) 15 (2019), 5-18.   [Citations: 32]  [ESCI, IF-0.3]     https://doi.org/10.2478/jamsi-2019-0001

8. Application of Magic Squares in CryptographyProceedings in Adaptation, Learning and Optimization (ICIVC 2021) (Springer) 15 (2022), 321-329.  [Citations: 03]  [WOS] https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-97196-0_26


1.    Height and Distance Problems in Ancient Indian Mathematics, Ganita Bharati (Bulletin of Indian Society for History of Mathematics) 18 (1996), 25-30. [Citations: 02]    http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Vinod_Mishra15
2.    Values of pi from Antiquity to Ramanujan, Sugakushi Kenkyu (Journal of History of Mathematics Society of Japan), 1998, No. 157, 12-25. [Citations: 03]
3.    Incircumscribing Triangles & Cyclic Quadrilaterals in Ancient & Medieval Indian Geometry, Sugakushi Kenkyu (Journal of History of Mathematics Society of Japan), 1999,  No. 161, 1-11. [Citations: 03]

4. Geometry in Rituals, Journal of Natural & Physical Sciences (Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya) 15 (2001), 159-177. [Citations: 01]  http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Vinod_Mishra15

5. Geometry   Relating   to   Circles   and   Spheres, Studies    in History of Medicine and Science (Jamia Hamdard University) 18 (2002), No. 1, 47-106.   [Citations: 02]                      http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Vinod_Mishra15

6. Combinatorics   and    the    (So-called)   Binomial    Theorem,  Studies   in History of Medicine and Science (Jamia Hamdard University) 18 (2002), No. 2, 59-121.  [Citations: 03]  http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Vinod_Mishra15

7. Similarity of Plane Figures and Geometric & Group Theoretic Study of Cyclic Quadrilateral of First Kind, Journal of Natural & Physical Sciences (Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya) 18 (2004), 69-102.                    [Citations: 0]  http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Vinod_Mishra15

8. Invention of Logarithms, Studies in History of Medicine and Science (Jamia Hamdard University) 20 (2005), 61-93. [Citations: 02]  http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Vinod_Mishra15

9.    Haar Wavelet Approach to Fluid Flow Between Parallel Plates, International Journal of Fluids Engineering 4 (2011), 403-410.  [Citations: 07]   https://www.ripublication.com/irph/volume/ijfev3n4.htm
10.    Wavelet-Galerkin Finite Difference Solutions of ODEs, The Electronic International Journal-Advanced Modeling and Optimization 13 (2011), 539-549.  [Citations: 07]  https://camo.ici.ro/journal/vol13/v13c13.pdf
11.    Haar Wavelet Quasilinearization Approach for Solving Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems, American Journal of Computational Mathematics 1 (2011), 176-182.  [Citations: 46]    https://doi.org/10.4236/ajcm.2011.13020
12.    Wavelets and the Evaluation of Filter Coefficients, International Journal of Mathematical Archive 2 (2011), 1776-1793.    [Citations: 02]  https://www.ijma.info/index.php/ijma/article/view/603

13. Mathematical Heritage of India: Some Remedial issues: Mathematics History in Teaching, Philosophy of Mathematical Education Journal  (University of Exeter), No. 26, 1-12.    [Citations: 03]   https://education.exeter.ac.uk/research/centres/stem/publications/pmej/pome26/index.html

14.    Wavelet-Galerkin Solutions of One and Two Dimensional Partial Differential Equations, Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences 3 (2012), 1373-1378. [Citations: 03] 
15.    Haar Wavelet Solutions of Certain Differential, Integral and Integro-differential Equations, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 8 (2012), 69-82.  [Citations: 32]  http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Vinod_Mishra15
16. Haar Wavelet Quasilinearization Approach for Solving Lane Emden Equations, International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Applications Research 2 (2012), 47-60.    [Citations: 08] 

17. Numerical Solution of a Laminar Viscous Flow Boundary Layer Equation using Uniform Haar Wavelet Quasi-linearization Method, World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology 79 (2013), 1410-1415. [Citations: 21]  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1087368

18. Review of Numerical Inversion of Laplace Transforms using Fourier Analysis, Fast Fourier Transform and Orthogonal Polynomials, Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace 5 (2014), 239-261.     [Citations: 07]   http://nonlinearstudies.com/index.php/mesa/article/view/1037

19. Progress in the Theory of Quadratic Indeterminate Analysis, American Research Journal of Mathematics 1(4), 2015, 13-27.  [Citations: 01]    https://www.arjonline.org/papers/arjm/v1-i4/4.pdf
20. Linear Indeterminate Analysis: Theory and Applications, American Research Journal of Mathematics 1(1), 2015, 16-33. [Citations: 01]  https://www.arjonline.org/papers/arjm/v1-i3/3.pdf
21. Progressive Series: Development and Applications, American Research Journal of Mathematics 1(3), 2015, 34-53.  [Citations: 0]  https://www.arjonline.org/papers/arjm/v1-i3/4.pdf
22. Chebyshev Polynomial based Numerical Inverse Laplace Transform Solutions of Linear Volterra Integral and Integro-differential Equations, American Research Journal of Mathematics 1 (2015), 22-32.    [Citations: 04]  https://www.arjonline.org/papers/arjm/v1-i1/4.pdf

23. Approximation Solution of Boundary Value Problem with Bernstein Polynomial Laplace Decomposition Method, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 114 (2017), 823-833. [Citations: 05]  https://doi.org/10.12732/ijpam.v114i4.12





I. PhD Thesis

Thesis Title: A Study of Vedic Geometry and Its Relevance to Science and Technology (Awarded:1998)

Thesis Summary. Thesis explores the algebraic and computational based geometrical achievements and applications of Indian mathematics till the early twentieth century AD. Concepts of computing, mirror image, indeterminate analysis, combinatorics etc. were extensively used to solve few conjectures/ unsolved problems.

The work was carried out during 1994-98 (external registration) at Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya (fully funded by UGC New Delhi) under the guidance of Dr. Shyam Lal Singh, Professor of Mathematics and Statistics Department. The award of thesis was duly acknowledged in Indian Journal of History of Science (1998) published by Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi. The abstract appeared in Ganita Bharati 20 (1998), 108-109 published by Indian Society for History of Mathematics, New Delhi.


II. Fellow Project (Research Monograph) submitted at IIAS Shimla:

History of Mathematics and Mathematical Education (with Special Reference to India): Role of Mathematics in 21st Century Science, Technology and Society, 2001




I. Ph.D. Thesis Awarded:

1.  Sabina: Wavelet-Galerkin Technique for Solving Certain Numerical Differential Equations and Inverse Ill-posed Problems (Awarded: 2012) (Area: Wavelet Analysis)

2. Harpreet Kaur: Haar Wavelet Technique for Solving Differential, Integral and Integro-differential Equations (Awarded: 2015(Area: Wavelet Analysis)

3. Dimple Rani:  Laplace Transform based Numerical Solutions of Certain Differential and Integral Equations (Awarded: 2020(Area: Numerical Laplace Transform)

4. Narbda Rani: Magic Squares and Cubes: Constructions, Properties and Applications  (Awarded: 2023)  (Area: Matrix Algebra, Number Theory and Cryptography)

5. Roji Bala: Fibonacci and Narayana Like Sequences: Theory and Applications (Area: Matrix Algebra, Number Theory & Cryptography)


II. Ph.D. Supervision Continue:

6. Drishti Rajput (Area: Wavelet Analysis)

7. Shivani Chandolia (Area: Wavelet Analysis)

8. Nirmala Tandi (Area: Wavelet Analysis)

9. Brijesh Singh (Area: To be decided)


III.   M.Sc. Projects Supervised and in Progress:

1. Rupinder Kaur: Discrete and Fast Fourier Transforms (Awarded: 2013)
2. Gagandeep Kaur: Numerical Inversion of Laplace Transform (Awarded: 2013)
3. Monika: Development of Bisection Method (Awarded: 2023)
4. Amit Verma: Introduction to Neural Network Method for Differential Equations (Awarded: 2024)



Barktullah University (Bhopal, 2017),

Rastrasant Tukoji Maharaj Nagpur University (Nagpur, 2019),

Lovely Professional University (Jalandhar, 2020, 2021 & 2022),

GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology (Pantnagar, 2021)